

What is a cholecystectomy?


胆囊是肝脏下面的一个小器官. 它在你腹部或腹部的右上方. The gallbladder stores a digestive juice called bile which is made in the liver.


  • Open (traditional) method. In this method, 1 cut (incision) about 4 to 6 inches long is made in the upper right-hand side of your belly. The surgeon finds the gallbladder and takes it out through the incision.

  • Laparoscopic method. 这种方法使用3到4个非常小的切口. 它使用一种叫做腹腔镜的又长又细的管子. 试管里有一个微型摄像机和手术工具. 管子、照相机和工具通过切口置入. 外科医生一边看着电视显示器一边做手术. 胆囊通过其中一个切口切除.

腹腔镜胆囊切除术的侵入性较小. 这意味着它会在你的腹部开一个很小的切口. There is less bleeding. 恢复时间通常比开放手术短.

In some cases the laparoscope may show that your gallbladder is very diseased. Or it may show other problems. Then the surgeon may have to use an open surgery method to remove your gallbladder safely.




  • 通常是在你上腹部的右侧或中间

  • 可能是持续的,还是在一顿丰盛的晚餐后变得更糟

  • 有时感觉更像饱胀而不是疼痛

  • May be felt in your back and in the tip of your right shoulder blade


The symptoms of gallbladder problems may look like other health problems. 一定要去看你的医疗保健提供者以确保.

Your healthcare provider may have other reasons to recommend a cholecystectomy.



  • Bleeding

  • Infection

  • Injury to the tube (the bile duct) that carries bile from the gallbladder to the small intestine

  • Liver injury

  • 伤口处有疤痕和麻木的感觉

  • 疝在切口处器官或组织的隆起(疝

During a laparoscopic procedure, surgical tools are put into your belly. 这可能会伤害你的肠道或血管.

你可能会有其他独特的风险. Be sure to discuss any concerns with your healthcare provider before the procedure.


  • 您的医疗保健提供者将向您解释手术过程. 问他或她你有任何问题.

  • You may be asked to sign a consent form that gives permission for the procedure. Read the form carefully and ask questions if anything is not clear.

  • 你的医生会询问你过去的健康状况. 他或她也可能给你做身体检查. This is to make sure you are in good health before the procedure. 您可能还需要血液检查和其他诊断检查.

  • 手术前8小时内不能吃东西或喝水. 这通常意味着午夜之后不吃不喝.

  • Tell your provider if you are pregnant or think you may be pregnant.

  • Tell your provider if you are sensitive to or allergic to any medicines, latex, tape, 麻醉药物(局部和全身).

  • 告诉你的医生你服用的所有药物. 这包括非处方药和处方药. 它还包括维生素、草药和其他补品.

  • 告诉你的医生你是否有出血性疾病的病史. Let your provider know if you are taking any blood-thinning medicines, aspirin, ibuprofen, 或者其他影响血液凝固的药物. You may need to stop taking these medicines before the procedure.

  • If this is an outpatient procedure, you will need to have someone drive you home afterward. You won’t be able to drive because of the medicine given to relax you before and during the procedure.

  • Follow any other instructions your provider gives you to get ready.


You may have a cholecystectomy as an outpatient or as part of your stay in a hospital. The way the surgery is done may vary depending on your condition and your healthcare provider's practices.

A cholecystectomy is generally done while you are given medicines to put you into a deep sleep (under general anesthesia).


  1. You will be asked to take off any jewelry or other objects that might interfere during surgery.

  2. You will be asked to remove clothing and be given a gown to wear.

  3. 静脉注射(IV)线将放在你的手臂或手上.

  4. 你将被平躺在手术台上. The anesthesia will be started.

  5. 一根管子会插进你的喉咙里帮助你呼吸. 麻醉师会检查你的心率, blood pressure, breathing, 以及手术期间的血氧水平.

  6. If there is a lot of hair at the surgical site, it may be clipped off.

  7. The skin over the surgical site will be cleaned with a sterile (antiseptic) solution.

Open method cholecystectomy

  1. An incision will be made. The incision may slant under your ribs on the right side of your abdomen. 也可能是在你的腹部上部.

  2. Your gallbladder is removed.

  3. 在某些情况下,可以在切口放置1个或多个引流管. 这样可以排出液体或脓液.


  1. 大约会在你的腹部开3到4个小切口. Carbon dioxide gas will be put into your abdomen so that it swells up. 这使得胆囊和附近的器官很容易被看到.

  2. 腹腔镜将置入切口. Surgical tools will be put through the other incisions to remove your gallbladder.

  3. When the surgery is done, the laparoscope and tools are removed. 二氧化碳气体通过切口排出. 大部分会被你的身体重新吸收.


  1. 胆囊将被送到实验室进行检测

  2. 切口将用缝线或手术订书钉缝合

  3. A sterile bandage or dressing or adhesive strips will be used to cover the wounds


In the hospital

After the procedure, you will be taken to the recovery room to be watched. Your recovery process will depend on the type of surgery and the type of anesthesia you had. Once your blood pressure, pulse, 呼吸稳定,你清醒警觉, 你会被带到你的病房.

A laparoscopic cholecystectomy may be done on an outpatient basis. In this case, you may be discharged home from the recovery room.

你会根据需要得到止痛药. A nurse may give it to you. Or you may give it to yourself through a device connected to your IV (intravenous) line.

You may have a thin plastic tube that goes through your nose into your stomach. 这是为了清除你吞咽的空气. The tube will be taken out when your bowels are working normally. 在拔掉管子之前,你不能吃也不能喝.

You may have 1 or more drains in the incision if an open procedure was done. 排水管将在一天左右被清除. You might be discharged with the drain still in and covered with a dressing. 按照医生的指示来处理.

You will be asked to get out of bed a few hours after a laparoscopic procedure or by the next day after an open procedure.

Depending on your situation, you may be given liquids to drink a few hours after surgery. 慢慢地,你就可以吃更多的固体食物了.

Arrangements will be made for a follow-up visit with your provider. 这通常发生在手术后2 - 3周.

At home

Once you are home, it’s important to keep the incision clean and dry. 你的医生会给你具体的洗澡指导. If stitches or surgical staples are used, they will be removed during a follow-up office visit. If adhesive strips are used, they should be kept dry and usually will fall off within a few days.

The incision and your abdominal muscles may ache, especially after long periods of standing. If you had a laparoscopic surgery, you may feel pain from any carbon dioxide gas still in your belly. 这种疼痛可能会持续几天. 应该一天比一天好一点.

按照医生的建议服用止痛药. Aspirin or other pain medicines may raise your risk of bleeding. Be sure to take only medicines your healthcare provider has approved.

走路和有限的活动通常是好的. 但你应该避免剧烈运动. Your provider will tell you when you can return to work and go back to normal activities.


  • Fever or chills

  • Redness, swelling, bleeding, or other drainage from the incision site

  • 切口周围疼痛加重

  • 皮肤或眼白发黄(黄疸)

  • 腹部疼痛、痉挛或肿胀

  • 3天内无排便或胀气

  • Pain behind your breastbone

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